Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Entrepreneurship is more than the bottom line!

Historically, entrepreneurs start businesses for two reasons- to help solve a problem and to earn money solving that problem.  Business owners are often driven by profits to increase their ability to solve more problems; however, social entrepreneurs focus beyond the bottom line and seek to improve some type of broader social condition.  In other words social entrepreneurs work to solve a problem, earn money solving that problem, but also seek to help the community/society benefit from the problem solving work that they are doing.  Perhaps you have been noticing a dillemia in your neighborhood, community, city or state and you have a few ideas that you think could solve those issues.  Moreover, do you think that other individuals and organizations would be interested in investing time, money, and other resources into helping you solve the problems that you are working to solve?  If so, you may want to consider becoming a social entrepreneur!  Your next chapter in life may be working for yourself as your work to improve the condition of some aspect of your community.  Maybe you have an idea to help prepare inner city youth for college, or help families save money by starting their own home gardens, or even help struggling schools provide after school services for students.  Whatever your idea is you should really consider following through with it.  Did you know that there are even grants available to help social entrepreneurs do just that?  Furthermore, I would love to work with you to help you reach your social entrepreneurship goals!  You can do it; we can help!  Derek A. Terry, principal consultant www.ConsultingDAT.com

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