Thursday, July 5, 2012

Creative Fundraiser: Micro-Fundraiser

A few months ago I was listening to National Public Radio (NPR) and I heard a piece about a small Micro-fundraising group that caught my attention.  I don't remember their name or where they were located; however, I remember the concept.  In essence the group held regular meals for the meager cost of $5 per person.  With the $5 contribution each attendee was able to eat and vote for one of three nonprofit groups in attendance.  A representative from each nonprofit stood before the crowd and took a few moments to briefly inform those present as to why they needed a micro-grant and how the funds would be used.  After each group presented people were allowed to ask questions to learn more about the nonprofit.  At the end of the event each attendee voted for the group they wanted to earn the grant which totaled all of the $5 collected.  By the end of the event one group walked away with over $500.  WOW!  Consider seeking out Micro-Fundraising events in your area to get that little boost your organization's bank account needs!  Even if you don't win a mini-grant events such as these connect you directly with individuals in your area who may have never heard about they work that you are doing.  You never know who will be in the room and what new opportunities that exposure may afford your organization.  -Derek A. Terry, Principal Consultant 

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