Friday, July 13, 2012


I love children.  Especially those who have just discovered their personal will to be independent.  For example, have you ever seen a child who refused to allow an adult to feed them.  They defiantly grab the spoon and awkwardly swing it around their faces trying to slide it into their mouths.  Inevitably they get more food on their cheeks, their shirts, and the table than in their tummy.  As children get older they attempt to become more independent.  They want to walk at the times that their parents want to carry them.  Some children want to dress themselves at the expense of style and coordinating colors.  Other children demand to tie their own shoes even though they don't know how yet.  I love children because they don't care if they mess up; they just want to try.  Adults should take an example from children and learn to try without fear of failing.  Children don't care about getting a little messy or wearing colors that don't match; they just want to try!  Think of the victories you could achieve if you tried more without fear.  I dare you!  I Double D DARE YOU to try more!  -Derek A. Terry, Principal Consultant

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